Blog post by Anna Hanson – November 30, 2020 (see bio below):
AppStream: Empowering Students & Educators Engaged in Distance Learning
The sudden pivot to remote learning has left many schools scrambling to meet the needs of their students and educators alike. As lessons move online, the associated disruptions are exacerbated when students and educators access common applications via a wide variety of devices, making it difficult for educators to help students troubleshoot issues and ensure everyone has access to the same resources and is on the same page.
Amazon’s AppStream 2.0 makes it easy to set remote-learning students and educators up for success and ensure all students are able to access the tools they need to learn effectively.
Not just a remote learning tool, AppStream also allows administrators to reconsider the burden of scheduling lab space when they want to offer curriculum to their students that requires higher end computer labs. This frees up often much needed space for classrooms or to support other initiatives like makerspaces and the growing engagement we are seeing with esports.
What is AppStream?
Amazon’s AppStream 2.0 is a fully manageable application streaming service that allows users to access desktop applications (including the full versions of Adobe, AutoCad and Project Lead the Way) from any device. This universality allows students to access applications from their own devices via a web browser.
Not only does this ensure that all students are using the same version of each program, but it offers access and flexibility for instruction that students and educators have never had before. By using AppStream, all students can access the software they need to succeed in the virtual classroom. The long term implications for a solution like this are endless.
How AppStream Has Revolutionized Distance Learning
AppStream has streamlined distance learning in many ways. Not only does it provide students with access to the applications they need to learn, but it also makes it easier for students with irregular schedules or who don’t have dedicated work areas by allowing them to learn anywhere at any time.
AppStream works like a computer lab that is accessible 24/7/365 and also allows educators to easily manage their classroom applications, ensuring that all users are using the same version of every application and that all students can access the required applications.
What is the ByteSpeed Computer Lab as a Service (CLaaS)?
Computer Lab as a Service (CLaaS) is a fully managed solution that uses Amazon AppStream 2.0 to stream desktop applications like Adobe CC, AutoDesk, and Project Lead the Way to any computer on any browser. For education, this means students have greater access to learning resources and applications regardless of platform or device. It doesn’t matter whether they’re using Chromebooks, Macs, or PCs, or whether they’re in the classroom, the library, or at home.
With this fully managed solution, ByteSpeed provides the on-going maintenance, management, and support of the environment. A custom usage dashboard gives insight to who is consuming, when they are consuming, and an organization wide consumption report. In addition, ByteSpeed makes billing predictable and simplifies the purchasing process for schools. We allow you to order bundles of hours with no additional fees, for completely transparent billing. Hours can be estimated upfront using our online calculator, which enables you to cut one purchase order for the entire school year. In uncertain times, order a smaller hourly package and add them as you need to. Hourly packages start as low as $6,500.Many schools, including Columbia Community School District 4 in Illinois, are already participating and are incredibly pleased with the results.
IT teams at educational institutions are currently under more pressure than ever before as they struggle to support remote learning initiatives while adapting to meet the ever-changing technological needs the pandemic presents. Our fully-managed CLaaS for Education solution empowers your educators, allowing them to deliver high-end coursework without needing to call on your already-overtaxed IT professionals to build and manage your remote learning solutions.
For more information about CLaaS for Education, or to request a quote, please visit our website.

About blog author, Anna Hanson:
Anna Hanson is the Sales Director at ByteSpeed with 16 years working in the technology field with a key focus on education.