Most Intel NUCs that shipped in 2019 and later use the Aptio V* BIOS core, which uses a different method of updating BIOS. For those models, see BIOS Update and Recovery Instructions for Intel® NUCs With Aptio 5 BIOS.

  • All BIOS update files for Intel® NUCs are available on Download Center.
  • Update instructions are also available in PDF format.BIOS Update Instructions for Intel® NUC with Intel® Visual BIOS (PDF) PDF icon
    Size: 443 KB
    Date: January 2020Note: PDF files require Adobe Acrobat Reader*
  • Downgrading the BIOS to an earlier version isn’t recommended. An earlier BIOS version may not include support for bug fixes, critical security updates, or support the product revisions currently being manufactured.
  • All images in the examples used in the instructions are for illustration purposes only. Make sure to select the correct BIOS files for your Intel® NUC.
  • If a BIOS update process is interrupted, your computer might not function properly. Intel suggests the process be done in an environment with a steady power supply (preferably with UPS).

After any BIOS update, Intel recommends the following steps:

  1. Press F2 during start to enter BIOS Setup.
  2. Press F9to set BIOS default values.
  3. Customize any BIOS settings, if desired (optional).
  4. Press F10 to save and exit BIOS Setup.