

Optical Table (Snell’s Law)

High School and College, Science, Science Applications, STEM Applications This Physics experience allows students to perform experiments with the phenomenon of refraction and reflection of

Kinetic/Potential Energy

High School and College, Math, Science, Science Applications, STEM Applications This Math experience takes students into a Skate Park where they learn about kinetic and

Parabolic (Projectile) Motion

High School and College, Science, Science Applications, STEM Applications This Physics experience takes students into a Circus, where they learn how to adjust the launch

Molecule Builder

High School and College, Science, Science Applications, STEM Applications This Chemistry experience enables students to bond different atoms together to build 3D molecules, then check


High School and College, Science, Science Applications, STEM Applications This Biology experience takes students into a Lab where they can manipulate various controls to learn

Fetal Pig Dissection

High School and College, Science, Science Applications, STEM Applications This Biology/Anatomy experience takes students into a Lab where they have to follow voice-guided, step-by-step instructions

Circuits and Ohm’s Law

High School and College, Science, Science Applications, STEM Applications This Physics experience takes students into a Serial Circuit Board Lab where they have access to

Chemistry Lab

High School and College, Science, Science Applications, STEM Applications This Chemistry experience takes students into a Chemistry Lab where they can experience mixing different types

Echolocation (Dopper Effect in Animals)

High School and College, Science, Science Applications, STEM Applications This Physics experience takes students into a VR cave where they can navigate around and view