

How to Overwrite the Chipset Drivers

Occasionally there are instances where you will want to overwrite the chipset drivers.  Running the installer by itself doesn’t always do it.  For example, if

Reinstallation of Office 2010 OEM

Office 2010 OEM products are media-less.  The customer gets shipped a card that has the product key on it and office is preinstalled on the

Office 2010 Activation issues

If you are trying to activate Microsoft Office 2010 and it hangs at activation and then fails out. Try the following steps: From an elevated

Intel Beep Codes

High/Low beeps – Thermal Error: * CPU thermal trip check that the processor heatsink/fan is properly installed. * Check that the thermal interface material is

Hardware Testing Software

Some of the tools that we use to test our hardware are Seatools and Memtest. Both of these software packages can be burned onto a

Server Firmware Update

Here are the FW update instructions if we need them. Step 2 : Firmware update Download and extract the files to a FAT32 formatted flash.

CMOS Reset for H310S Mini

A common troubleshooting tip for the H310S Mini when the machine is either getting no power or no post can be fixed a majority of